

While the Israelite House of David Archives & Collections does not yet have permanent exhibits the public can visit; the staff are working on a series of traveling exhibits. 

In 2022, Brian Carroll began efforts to showcase our wonderful collection with The Melodious Faithful. 

More traveling exhibitions are in the works including agriculture and the House of David during World War II. 

The Melodious Faithful:          Music at the House of David 

The exhibit showcases instruments, performance videos, original compositions, and more. From music lovers to those with a passing interest in the House of David, this exhibit brings to life one of the most important elements of this fascinating community. 

Currently Not on Display 

Hosting Traveling Exhibits 

Would you like to host one of the Archives & Collections fantastic exhibits? Professional organizations, such as historical societies and libraries, can request a phone call with our Historian & Archivist to discuss spacing needs, security, installation, and loan length. 

Please contact Brian Carroll at bcarroll@israelitehouseofdavid.org for more information.